WP Optimiser Review – The #1 WordPress Optimisation Product

wpoptimiser review

WP Optimiser


User Interface




Worth Buying







  • Identify Site & Server Issues
  • Identify Themes & Plugin Issues
  • Batch & Auto Optimise Graphics
  • Remove Your Database Junk
  • Lazy Load Images on Demand


  • Seperate plugin for Built in Cache

WP Optimiser Review - Introduction

Thanks for checking my WP Optimiser Review.

If you are a wordpress user and looking to boost your conversion, then this post is for you.

It’s common knowledge that WordPress sites by their nature are slow…But, what’s less well known is that current optimisation plugins do HALF A JOB

It’s essential to optimise sites for speed to achieve higher rankings, better conversions, better user experience, lower bounce rates & for lowering your ad spend…In WordPress every page requested has to be compiled by your server and it also has to load all the extra code from your themes, plugins, database and of course your images… that takes loads of time time…

To make matters worse your WordPress database naturally bloats over time & most of us don’t optimize our images… making our pages up to 10x slower

So… 99% of sites of sites are weighed down by heavy graphics, slow databases, themes, plugins & even hosting issues.

At 3+ seconds load speed you lose 50%+ of traffic & at 20+ seconds you lose 95%+ of traffic according to Kissmetrics… that’s a serious problem.

Here is how WP Optimiser is going to fix that problem.

WP Optimiser Review - Overview

Vendor: IM Wealth Builders

Product: WP Toolkit Optimiser

Launch Date: 2020-Apr-23

Launch Time: 11:00 EDT

Front-End Price: $17-$27

Official Website: Click here

Guarantee: Yes, 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.

Bonuses:   Yes,Huge Bonuses

Niche: WordPress                      

What is WP Optimser?

WP Optimiser is a powerful WordPress housekeeping & site optimisation plugin that optimize your site with exclusive auto-detection of theme & plugin load speed impact + automated image compression API.

WP Optimser Review - Creator

wp optimiser review

Matt Garrett is the person behind WP Optimiser. He has already build many successful tool like blog niche tool, Viper cache, Covert Context and so on.

How WP Optimser is better than other tools?

Current WordPress optimisation products on the market either use cache, optimise your database or mess around with your Java & CSS often breaking your site in the process

95% of products don’t optimise your site graphics (one of the most important jobs) & the ones that do charge $100’s…

WP Optimiser is a combination of quick fixes & diagnostics that help you fix your site speed issues – more importantly it covers the 6 biggest site speed issues – at best the competitors cover just 2 factors & charge more.

What are the speed issues fixed by WP Optimiser?

FIXED – WP Optimiser diagnoses hosting connectivity issues in real time

FIXED – WP Optimiser diagnoses server config issues in real time

FIXED – WP Optimiser tests theme & plugin load speed in real time

F|XED – WP Optimiser does lossless auto optimisation of site graphics

FIXED – WP Optimiser does an advanced junk clean-up

FIXED – WP Optimiser allows users to enable lazy load on any page they wish

WP Optimiser Review - Features

Web Connectivity Tests

Our plugin does real time connection quality tests to USA, Asia, Middle East & Europe & notifies you of any problems it also checks your site's uptime to see how long your server has been up. This helps you detect poorly maintained server hardware & bad server locations & poor peering arrangements at data centers.

Live Hosting Tests

Your site operates best in a good environment. To test this environment WP Optimiser runs a series of checks on you RAM memory, PHP Memory, PHP settings. host settings & drive capacity. Where problems are found you'll get recommendations about setting changes you can ask your host to implement

Live Theme/Plugin Tests

WP Optimiser runs load speed tests on your theme & compares this against the WordPress default theme. You'll find that some themes you run will be slower by nature - thats OK. If the difference in speed is extreme you may consider using an alternative theme to improve your site performance

Auto GFX Optimising

Our Graphics Optimiser works using Tinypng - one of the most respected graphics crunching services. It allows you to batch optimise all your existing graphics in one go & it auto optimises any new graphics you upload to your media library. The API allows you to crunch up to 500 images per month free...you can upgrade & pay for more or apply for more APIs as you need.

Database Scrubbing

Our advanced database scrubber wipes post/page revisions, clears orphaned & meta data & clears your site's trash making your database thinner. The advantage of running a thinner database is faster access times & less processor load. This has a secondary benefit of keeping your hosting cost low when your site traffic increases - a win-win for webmasters

Lazy Load Images

This is not a new concept, it allows you to load your page images on demand instead of loading all the images for every visitor whether they scroll down your page or not.- this is especially useful for long landing pages or sales pages. The benefit of this is faster loading pages and better site performance when the site is under load

WP Optimiser Review - Results

Wp Optimiser review

WP Optimiser Review - Comparison

WP Optimiser Review - Pricing & Evaluation

WP Optimiser Review - Bonuses

To make your purchase more valuable I have decided to provide 10 more premium plugins  as bonuses. Completely for free.

Enjoy your purchase…

Please follow the below steps to avail your bonus.

Step 1: Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete to clear all the cookies and caches from your internet  browser.

Step 2: Click the below “Buy Now” button.

Step 3: Buy the product from that link.

Step 4: Your Bonus will be delivered along with the product.

PLUGIN 1: WP Artificial Intelligence Assistant ($57)

This unique WordPress plugin adds a virtual smart assistant on your website and allows you to easily program his A.I from a powerful visual system.

The assistant can be created to intelligently sell products, advise and inform your customers, guide them on the website and do lots more


Traffic is the lifeblood to every profitable Internet business and WITHOUT it your beautiful looking blog will be lost in a sea of mediocrity.

This is a Simple Automated Traffic System You Can Use To Get UNLIMITED Visitors To Your Blog For FREE! This WordPress Plugin offer your visitors a reward for telling others about your blog… and they do all the work for you!


This free WordPress plugin enables you to create a notification bar where you can display notifications for your site visitors to stay engaged.

PLUGIN 4: Video Affiliate Plugin ($45)

Create Stunning Video Review Pages And Manage Your Affiliate Bonuses ALL Inside Your WordPress Website


Here’s An Easy Way To Add Search Engine Friendly, Regularly Updated Content To Your WordPress Blogs!

If your blog is powered by WordPress, there is an amazing plugin that is a HUGE help for many bloggers and internet marketers nowadays. This plugin is called WP RSS Pro.

PLUGIN 6: WP Amcom Pro ($13)

Here’s An Easy Way To Make More Money From Your WordPress Blogs, By Adding Self-Updating Amazon Bestseller Ads To Your Blog Posts!

Inside this product is a tool that will help you give more time freedom in updating the latest and best seller products from Amazon into your blog or niche website

PLUGIN 7: WP Tube Maximizer ($25)

WP Tube Maximizer allows you to add content or monetize your Youtube videos in less than 5 minutes, so that you can unleash a storm of profits!

You need to try it and you’ll discover why this is the real deal!

PLUGIN 8: WP PopBox ($9)

The easiest way to get pop ups on your site to make you money and build a list anytime someone views a page, perfect for your site, grab your copy now at this insanely low price

PLUGIN 9: WP Coupon Pro ($37)

Easy to install & use WordPress plugin. Get started right away, and start creating viral offline coupons…

Create coupons you can print to give to offline customers with a QR code to share the coupon on facebook..

Easily allow your clients customer to share the coupons with a easy QR code they can scan and share the coupon in seconds…

PLUGIN 10: WPScarcityLock ($27)

Increase Your Conversions with Time Limit Lock System. Paste Your Auto-Responder Code to Setup in Seconds.  Ready To Fit The Size & Scale for Facebook and Mobile

These bonus will be automatically delivered to you along with the product. If you haven’t received the bonus or facing any issue, you can contact us to info@imtreviews.com or ilikedealza2z@gmail along with the purchase details.

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